- coordinate bond
- координаційний зв'язок
English-Ukrainian analytical chemistry dictionary. 2013.
English-Ukrainian analytical chemistry dictionary. 2013.
coordinate bond — n. the type of covalent bond in which the shared pair of electrons is supplied by only one of the atoms; dative bond … English World dictionary
coordinate bond — koordinacinis ryšys statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Cheminis ryšys, susidarantis tada, kai ryšio elektronus duoda tik vienas iš ryšį sudarančių atomų. atitikmenys: angl. coordinate bond; coordination bond; donor acceptor bond rus.… … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
coordinate bond — noun a covalent bond in which both electrons are provided by one of the atoms • Syn: ↑dative bond • Hypernyms: ↑covalent bond * * * noun or coordinate covalence : a covalent bond typical of coordination complexes that is held to consist of a pair … Useful english dictionary
coordinate bond — /koʊˈɔdənət bɒnd/ (say koh awduhnuht bond) noun → dative bond. Also, co ordinate bond …
coordinate bond — Chem. a type of covalent bond between two atoms in which the bonding electrons are supplied by one of the two atoms. Also called dative bond. [1935 40] * * * … Universalium
coordinate bond — noun a) A type of covalent bond where the two electrons being shared originate from the same atom; a dative bond. b) One of the bonds between the central metal atom of a coordination compound and its ligands … Wiktionary
coordinate bond — co·or·di·nate bond ən ət n a covalent bond that consists of a pair of electrons supplied by only one of the two atoms it joins … Medical dictionary
coordinate bond — coor′dinate bond n. chem. a type of covalent bond in which the bonding electrons are supplied by one atom • Etymology: 1935–40 … From formal English to slang
coordinate bond — noun Date: 1947 a covalent bond that consists of a pair of electrons supplied by only one of the two atoms it joins … New Collegiate Dictionary
Coordinate covalent bond — [ ammonium ion] A coordinate covalent bond (formerly also known as dative bond [GoldBookRef | file = D01523 | title = dative bond] ) is a description of covalent bonding between two atoms in which both electrons shared in the bond come from the… … Wikipedia
bond — bond1 bondable, adj. bondability, n. bonder, n. bondless, adj. /bond/, n. 1. something that binds, fastens, confines, or holds together. 2. a cord, rope, band, or ligament … Universalium